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Broccoli and Ice Cream

Jul 29, 2023

Emily Walsh! Comedian! Podcaster! Friend! Delight! Dad Girl!

Her podcasts are Yeet the Rich and Alone at Lunch. Also she's a guest on this podcast right here.

We have a real fun chat. You can have a real fun...

Jul 22, 2023

Isabel Hagen. Comedian! Violist! Friend! Delight!

Isabel is a violist and has a web series called "Is A Violist."

She also is a comedian but I don't think she has a web series called that so you just have to believe me or check out her website for more information.

She's great and we have a great talk and you're great...

Jul 15, 2023

Chaz Kangas! Rapper! Journalist! Human! Delight! Much much more!

Chaz is a dear old friend who is one of the most amazing freestylers I've ever seen and we have a wonderful freestyle conversation (non-rhyming, you know, a regular conversation) about all sorts of things from hip-hop to mental health and beyond!


Jul 7, 2023

Chanel Ali! Comedian! Podcaster! Friend! Delight!

Her podcast is A Girl's Guide. Its description is fun:
"Comedian Chanel Ali hosts this podcast which provides tips & tools for the average girl to handle their weed, liquor, and life better!"

My podcast is THIS one. My description is this:
We have a super fun time...