Mar 31, 2019
Brittany Carney is a delightful, wise, kind human. She works in comedy and museums and more. She has experiences that I have not have and she shares about them. Enjoy. Please and thank you!
Mar 25, 2019
Kevin Avery is A VERY nice man, A VERY funny comedian, and A VERY good writer and actor and more. Also his name spells "A VERY." He has written for Totally Biased and Last Week Tonight and accomplished much more than this sentence contains. Please enjoy hearing about all the things we talk about. As you wish. Enjoy!
Mar 19, 2019
Anya Volz is a comedian, writer, friend, and all manner of being. And doing. All kinds of verbs and nouns. Listen. Enjoy! More!
Mar 12, 2019
Lubaina Choudhury is a wonderful friend, meditation coach, yoga teacher, sound bather, breather, and more. She helps people with their minds, bodies, and spirits if they want. We talk! You listen (if YOU want). Thanks!
Mar 4, 2019
Shane Mauss is an old friend, a wonderful comedian, a lover of science, a skeptic about all things including whether he's a skeptic maybe who knows, and more. He's got a documentary out this week called Psychonautics, a podcast called Here We Are, and a live comedy show called Standup Science, and I recommend them all....