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Broccoli and Ice Cream

Nov 29, 2020

Bethany Van Delft! Part two of a wonderful conversational with a delightful, hilarious friend. Her album is called "I'm Not a Llama." Get it. Listen to it. Share it. Laugh. Also listen to this podcast. Enjoy. Do what you like. Live your life. I thank you!

Nov 27, 2020

Bethany Van Delft! A delightful comedian, friend, and more! She hosts Artisanal Comedy every week on IG at 9pm eastern, and she is a funny, kind person. What more do you need? Thanks and love, all!

Nov 20, 2020

Keith Lowell Jensen! Comedian with a new special out now called "Not For Rehire"! Old friend with a friendship still going called "Myq and Keith's friendship." Listen! Enjoy! Thanks!

Nov 12, 2020

Drea Clark! Friend! Podcaster! Delight! Her podcasts are called Who Shot Ya? and Ticklish Business! Listen to them and also listen to this one! Listen to me telling you to listen! Thanks!

Nov 6, 2020

Gianmarco Soresi! Comedian! Actor! Friend! Delight! Guy with a new special on Amazon right now called "Shelf Life"! Watch! Listen! Enjoy! Other verbs!